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The text shown after 1), 2), 3) and 4) is copied exactly from the BBC's daily JV Show web page and I acknowledge their copyright of this text.
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Thursday, 17 March 2011

My reply to JV's email

Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for your email. It is good to hear from you and I am genuinely pleased that you obviously are still reading my missives. I hope that, if nothing else, they give somebody there a laugh from time to time.
As for meeting, well you know where I live. I rarely go to London, other than passing through on the way to somewhere nicer, so any meeting won't be happening there. However, you could always do another of your "on location" broadcasts from the mountains and valleys of Snowdonia where the BBC has two studios local to me. The nearest is in Penrhyndeudraeth and is used by Russell Grant for his horoscopes on Steve Wright's show. A larger TV studio is in Bangor.
I'd be happy to meet you at one or other of these studios, but I would not enter in to any on-air discussion with you. Those of us who do not like your programme by definition do not listen, so any support for my point of view would be lost in the swathes of your "love the show Jeremy" supporters.
I am sorry that I feel like this too, but unlike you I like to make a difference and so will do my best to do something about it. Building the Great Wall of China started with one bloke laying the first brick, and by slowly chipping away at your programme one day, maybe, I might change the way Radio 2 broadcasts to the nation at lunchtime.


sam said...

err.. for someone who hates Jeremy Vine, you seem to spend alot of time listening to, and writing about the show... ever considered listening to something else?

Radio2LunchtimeLoather said...

Hi Sam,

I don't usually listen to his programme. The whole point of my daily email is to explain why the contents of his programme is irrelevant to me, and why I will not be listening.

I'll happily admit that I have listened to part of the programme over the past few days, just to see what is said about the Japanese nuclear problem. I have not been disappointed by the hype and misinformation that I have heard.

IF, and it is a mighty big IF, he chose to discuss something that did actually relate to me then I would listen. That last happened in September 2010.

Honestly, it does not take me long to write the daily diatribe. I listen to JV's trailer on Ken Bruce's show at 11:30 and check his web site. My daily email will usually be written and sent by 11:45.

As for listening to something else ... well, I would if I could. Here in North Wales there is not much choice. Radio 1 (I'm a bit old for that these days), Radio 3 (never liked classical music), Radio 4 (as a music lover it doesn't do much for me), BBC Radio Wales (too much chat), plus various Welsh language stations (BBC and commercial).

The only "pop music" station I can get around here at the moment is RTE1 from Dublin, but the signal is a bit weak at the best of times. While JV is on I usually listen to a CD or use iPlayer to listen to a previously-broadcast Radio 2 programme.

Thanks for your comments. I hope I have explained myself clearly.