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Thursday, 28 April 2011

Today's show 28/04/11

Busy again today so brevity is essential. I would suggest that on days like today where there is, apparently, no news then perhaps an all-music show may have been the way to go. Anyway...
1) THE SYRIAN AMBASSADOR - Critics say the Syrian ambassador to London should be struck off the guest list for the royal wedding when his country is using violence against pro-democracy demonstrators : The critics are entitled to their opinion, but that does not mean that I have to listen to them. Next...
2) BARACK OBAMA - Barack Obama releases his birth certificate to confound rumours that he was born outside the US. We discuss the "birthers" who say that still doesn’t settle the matter : I just love a good conspiracy theory, but I've not looked in to this one. When I get a moment I shall have to do some reading so that I can form an opinion. In other news, did you know that Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash in November 1966? Next...

CALM DOWN DEAR! - The prime minister tells an opposition spokeswoman to "calm down, dear". Just a joke or sexist bullying? : I'm not sure how you are going to fill 30 minutes with this, but it would never have happened had useless Squeaker Bercow been doing his job properly. Next...

4) THE ROYAL WEDDING - And as the nation prepares to celebrate tomorrow, what are your memories of previous royal wedding days? : A day off school in 1973, a day off work in 1981 and no recollection at all of 1986. Interesting that Prince Edward's, Charles's second and Anne's second weddings are not mentioned on the BBC web page. Does the BBC consider them to be not memorable?
Have a great weekend, and let's hope some proper news reappears next week.

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