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Wednesday 30 March 2011

Today's show 30/03/11

Mmmmm..... bacon sandwich....

You know, I will look at your programme in an entirely different way in the future. Yesterday afternoon I received an email from the BBC Complaints Department in which they stated, incredulously, that your show's "editorial team’s story selection is not of huge concern to the vast majority of Jeremy Vine listeners". I'm really not sure what to make of this. Is it simply the case that your listeners could not care less what you talk about? In the unlikely event that that is actually true, it does make some sense and explains my view of your programme as I do have huge concerns about your story selection.

I have lived in the vain hope since 2004 that one day, just one day, you might talk about something that I really, really, really wanted to listen to, but in seven years it has never ever happened. It is true that there have been some stories that have been of passing interest to me but I have really only listened to see how you handled them rather than to gain factual knowledge. I am, I suppose, guilty of listening to the broadcaster instead of the broadcast, but my analytical and suspicious view of the news media (not just the BBC) causes me to listen to every word that is said. Very often it is possible to work out what the real news story is by going on what is NOT said. Hey ho...

Your web page updater has excelled themselves today. To emphasis your selections for today the email story appears four times, parenting appears twice and cricket also appears twice. See below if you don't believe me! This is shoddy work and only goes to show the lack of attention to detail that hallmarks your programme.

Anyway, and ignoring the repetitions....

1) HAVE YOU SEEN THAT EMAIL? - Two young men discuss an ex-girlfriend and then send the email to the girlfriend by mistake. What makes us so fascinated? : No, I haven't, and who are "us"? Not me, certainly. "What can you say?", you asked on Ken's show. My response would be, "Why say anything?". This is not news. Next...

2) ARE THE ARTS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SCHOOLS AND HOSPITALS? - Arts Council announces which theatres, art galleries etcetera get the money and which don't. Given a work of art lasts forever, aren't the arts more important than schools and hospitals? : The BBC page that you link to states "More than 200 organisations that received regular funding from Arts Council England have missed out after 'a series of painful decisions'". The important word in that sentence is, of course, "England" and from that you will know that this story is not of huge concern to those of us that live in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. But then, what is of huge concern to us? Any idea? I thought not. Next...

3) PARENTING: HOW DO YOU DIVORCE AND NOT DAMAGE YOUR CHILDREN? Our parenting season continues; the most important job in the world. Today, how do you have a divorce and not damage the children? : What children? Next...

4) IS THE CRICKET WORLD CUP THE MOST IMPORTANT SPORTING EVENT EVER? And finally, India versus Pakistan in the cricket world cup has been dubbed the most important sporting event ever. We talk to listeners from either side : Ahhh, a sport story. I shall sleep well this afternoon. Zzzzzzz....

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