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Friday 24 June 2011

Freedom of Information request for Iceland programme

I have just sent the following to the BBC's Freedom of Information department. Let's see if we, the licence fee payers, got value for money yesterday....

The Jeremy Vine Show was broadcast from Iceland on Thursday 23rd June 2011. I would be grateful if you would supply me with some information concerning this broadcast under your Freedom of Information procedure.
My questions are:
1) Excluding Mr Vine, how many other BBC staff travellend to Iceland in support of this broadcast?
2) What were the travel costs incurred as a result of the visit to Iceland by Mr Vine and his associates?
3) What was the additional cost (studio hire, satellite link, etc.) incurred by the BBC in broadcasting a live programme from Iceland as compared to broadcasting from the London studio?
4) What was the total subsistence and accomodation cost for Mr Vine and his associates?
5) On what date and at what approximate time did the group leave the UK?
6) On what date and at what approximate time did they return to the UK?
Many thanks.

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